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Dingbat 3rd November 2008 12:51

any thoughts on the c.p.c being brought in next year for drivers.h.g.v ,present holders have five years to attain have to complete thirty five hours of training ,either in one block,or in block of x amount of hours.either practical or classroom drivers will have it intergrated ino their driver is up to the driver to sort the training out,their is no rules saying the company must sort training out,or pay.after 2014 if drivers have not attained the c.p.c,you dont drive.does any one think driver training is going too far[talk about over qualified] i am glad i,m out of it now.h.g.v. expires 2012.definately no renewal.

G6 UXU 3rd November 2008 16:02

I am definitely glad I am out of it now. This seems like just another way of making more money out of the HGV lads, ah well moan over I will put the kettle on. All the best.

Dingbat 3rd November 2008 16:23

watching top gear last night. clarkson and co. trying to drive h.g.vs on test track.hammond dropped trailer on its knees checking for trailer height ,tut,tut.i,m sure that was the magnum[clarkson was driving].that cut me up on the m 62 last wednesday.well there was some a---h--- at the wheel.definately c.p.c material.laughed at the way hammond got out of the cab twice to look at the king pin,must have thought it was going to give him the thumbs up.

Ian 3rd November 2008 16:43

How would they have coped with 20 tons on the back? and then the Hill Start!! The one good thing that was said was "Don't slow down" (by Clarkson)........ may be not such a good idea showing car drivers how to wind up HGV lads. C.P.C. do me a favour!!!


Western SMT 3rd November 2008 21:46

If like me and not up to date with things and that includes c.p.c. then check

ray bloomfield 3rd November 2008 23:17

This is the first Iv'e heard of this stupidity, I packed in going to sea because of the lunatics running the asylum and now I find they are to be let loose on the road transport sector which is my other type of employement. I think I will claim to speak no English and become an illegal immigrant, wont need to work for a living then !!

Energumen 4th November 2008 02:42

The lunatics have been running the asylum from time immemorial.

Road Safety must be improved, the devastating results of lorry and coach/bus accidents must be minimised. But is this the answer?.

Is it 8888. (that means hell if you like).

This industry which limits drivers hours, still has it's staff working some of the longest hours of any industry in the country, from signing on, to signing off.

The Law Makers, Enforcers and Judiciary, like all aspects of society, are overwhelmingly comprised of 'Motorists' and are, anti 'Juggernauts', (their term when they want to get them off their roads).

Yet in common with the vast majority of other 'Motorists and 'Evil Knievels, make no allowance for the limited visibility of such vehicles or the areas where they require greater space to manouvre or stop.

When, other than the middle of the night, did you last approach a roundabout, road junction, slip road etc. without the idiot motorists, often with their children aboard, racing one after another to get between the traffic in front of you, (which is already braking), and your front bumper.

If these are such fearful machines and drivers, why the hell do they think it safe to pull in right in front of you in a stream of brakelights.

Why on a foggy motorway, do they 'have to get in front of the lorry', then panic, because they cannot see clearly, and pull in front of you and reduce their speed. Is that where you would want your family to be, in bad conditions?.

Driver fatigue is still a problem as it always has been, the inconsiderate and idiotic behaviour of motorists is another and the chip on the shoulder of motorists who have to show their families that they are not afraid of the big bad lorries, also contributes.

If a lorry driver farts in public, he is in court and everyone knows a lorry driver did it. Whatever any lorry driver does wrong , whether it has anything to do with his job or not, will be attributed in the press, to the 'Lorry driver'. Not the Father, Lay preacher local man, darts player, or any other role he may fulfil.

The driver that never did anything wrong, never left the kerb. But you do not encourage responsible or respectful behaviour, by having no respect for the safety, skill and contribution that the lorry and bus drivers make to the country.

Dingbat 4th November 2008 09:08

see western smt post and look up the website he has posted.ithink this includes mini buses over nine seats and trucks over three and half tons.:eek:+just been glancing through the transport office usual european directive so and so for profesional drivers.explaining the is mainly about safe driving ,better understanding of the haulage industry.economical driving keep it in the usual normal common sense issues.although i am a bit concerned as usual britain will enforce these laws with a rod of steel,then countries like france,italy,germany and other e.u countries with a more lax attitude as usual.not a fair playing field.although h.g.v training is second to non in the still worries me to see accidents concerning h.g.v.s only.such as roll overs on round abouts and sliproads.another one is h.g v s ploughing into standing traffic.i must admit when i am last in the que at standing traffic at roadworks,in a car, i always keep my eyes in my rear view mirror.common sense and experience rule.

ray bloomfield 4th November 2008 13:28

Personaly, If I was going to get severely tailended I would prefer not to see it coming!

Seddon Atkinson 4th November 2008 21:52

We've heard nothing about driver CPC from our employer as yet. We think they'll leave it as late as possible as always then panic. Any idea why it should be the driver's responsibility and not the company.Who will pay for this 'training' too ?

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