Conversation Between Mandator and ceylon220
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
Hi mate, the I of M is no where in sight today.usual weather,rain, yes I managed the hill at Marchon on that occation although a few came to grief coming down with loads slipping, brakes not up to scratch etc. Tyson is still going up west, remember the day that he started off with an old wagon, met him at one of the services and he was`nt too happy , apparently he was coming up Shap A6 and a driver was passing him ,blew his horn and held up a box of matches and pointed at the wagon but he has come along way since then, quite a large fleet of trucks now, some of them fairly new.
Still waving my hand towards the island , don`t see any response yet!!!!!!!!!
Take care mate,
Dave (ceylon220)